Battle of the sexes: Women Drivers!

Although modern cars feature a host of safety devices and most women are practically equipped with their very own pair of airbags,...

Nothing beats a seatbelt and two airbags!

...proper and courteous driving skills will ensure that...

What's this bitch trying to do?

... no fatal or unbelievable or...

There! Now top that...

...embarrassing accidents occur....

Okay... so how'd you get this right?

...on or off the road.


Likewise, should your car develop trouble,
repairs thereof should only be undertaken by
suitably skilled personnel.

These are called mechanics.

Though they do have the correct set of tools
to deal with your car's mechanical breakdown,
they are very likely ill-equipped to do anything
about your own emotional breakdown.
Hammer / screwdriver set for women...

As a matter of fact, the world would be a much safer place if women wouldn't get behind the steering wheel of a car at all. It would rather be preferred if members of the female persuasion would simply look good...

Nice headlights! standing next to a car...

Crotch shooter in action!

...or (as passengers) flash a little something whilst entering or exiting a vehicle.

Tara Reid's knockers and Paris Hilton's pussy...

Failing that, we'll simply continue to amuse ourselves by watching the weaker vessel...

Sixty9? Sure!

...getting into vehicular trouble...

BMW stuck in mud again...

...and the emancipated ones getting out of it on their own.

Long legs and a Touraeg!

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